Why is Croatia Perfect for Wine Tours?

Why is Croatia Perfect for Wine Tours?

Being an expert in both Croatian wine and Croatian tourism comes with a certain level of frustration. While it is nothing less than exhilarating helping international travellers discover the most beautiful parts of Croatia through wine tours, it is sometimes...
Exploring Dubrovnik Surroundings, Part 1

Exploring Dubrovnik Surroundings, Part 1

In my last blog post I’ve talked about the importance of planning out your daily activities within Dubrovnik’s Historical Centre to avoid peak crowds. However, regardless of whether you want to avoid heat and lack of space or you are simply looking to...
Stop and smell the oranges

Stop and smell the oranges

„What is there to do in Dubrovnik? “ – is a commonly posed question by so many travellers to this medieval walled city, and why wouldn’t it be? After all, isn’t that what we are all looking for in our travels – something to do? Something to...